+33(0)6 88 88 43 91


English-Language Help Line in France

A free Help Line service manned by native English speakers with lots of additional community support information for anglophones living in France.


English Speaking Therapists in France

If you are looking for other English speaking therapists in France, here are a number of websites and directories you can consult.

Counselling in France

This site provides a directory of English speaking counsellors, therapists and psychotherapists working throughout France which you can consult by region.

European Association for Psychotherapy

The EAP provide a directory of psychotherapists who have gone through their certification process. The directory has a language filter so it is possible to identify EAP certified psychotherapists in France who work in English.

Paris Therapy Services

This site provides a list of English speaking therapist based in and around Paris.


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If so, contact me today at +33.(0) or email me to set up a FREE confidential 10 minute phone consultation with myself.